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Silverfish Discography ] Silverfish The First 111 Gigs ]

Formed from a general 'we can do this' type feeling, Silverfish were very very loud INDEED and had kick arse tunes aplenty.

Plus I watched them play with a men alight on stage.

Nuff said really.

L.F. Rankine - Vocals/Feedback/General Bitching
Fuzz - Guitars/Feedback/Snoring/Guitar Trumpet
Chris P. - Bass Noises
Stuart - Drums


Thanks to Chris And Fuzz!

There's a discography at
as well. It's more...complete....I 'spose....hehehe

And a really great set of live photos at:
Thanks to Antoni, who wrote:
" I'm an old mate of Fuzz - hailing from Southall, I was the singer of his first band (The Screaming Idles/Nervous System) back in 1982/1983. Indeed I saw the band some 39 times (including those 2 squat gigs in one night) & sit next to Fuzz at Chelsea FC !!! I have the two John Peel sessions you are looking for - first gen copies taped straight off the radio. You may be interested in some photos I took at a couple of early'ish gigs -  - I'm also planning to stick up a lot of stuff for The In-Stinks - the band that Fuzz was in before Silverfish (roughly mid 1983 to 1988).  I have quite a few press cuttings lying around too - may be able to provide you with some scans - I did have 7" vinyl copy of One Silver Dollar which typically I lent to somebody - not seen again - I did though buy a tape of Cockeye to compensate. Fantastic to see that gig listing. Respect. "
